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.ȸ Ա ü (700096-01-000631)=ѱ
ۼ 2017-03-28 (ȭ) 00:41
ȸ: 1458  
(̱ ̲ٶ ̻ ﰡ϶ )America no longer

                       President USA                        Combat Duty Allowance Association

                       Donald J. Trump                         Chairman Sung Woong, Kim


Attn : Donald J. Trump President USA

From : Combat Duty Allowance Association Korea

            Chairman Sung Woong, Kim

Date : March 25, 2017


Re : Allied Combat Duty Allowance Comparison

       America  no longer do loach operation ​


We found a new fact. According to the Symington Hearing, overseas service allowances were uniformly distributed to combat units and non-combat units.

For example, in the United States, South Korea, the Philippines and Thailand, the second lieutenant of $ 120, the cap $ 150, and the corporal $ 45 were paid equally. And the combat pay was $ 533.41 for the US Army, $ 445.03 for the Philippines, and $ 405.61 for Thailand. However, Korea did not receive 100% of the combat duty allowance as a combat unit. we confirmed that we was paid only for overseas service allowance in Vietnam War.


The MND of Korea acknowledges this.

Thus, on March 7, 1966, a memorandum signed by the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea, Mr. Lee Dong-Won and Ambassador Browns Memorandum is required.

This is information that has already been made public with the same combat duty allowance as the US military following the expansion of the two divisions of Korea. If this evidence is available, 345,994 veterans will be entitled to the combat duty allowance before 50 years.


This memorandum was incinerated in Korea and the evidence was destroyed. We request a memorandum from the United States. The United States is responsible for disclosing this memorandum. Commander Lee Seo-ho in South Korea dedicated 90% of the combat duty allowance and used it for highways and other infrastructure industries.

America no longer do loach operations

The President of the United States is responsible for showing the memorandum.


Awaiting your reply soon.





                                                                     March 26,2017

                                                                     Combat duty pay Association Korea

                                                                     Chairman Sung Woong, Kim

ձ ǥ ​


츮 ο ߰Ͽ. ̹ ûȸ ٰſ ϸ ؿܱٹ δ볪 δ볪 ϰ Ͽ. ձ ̱, ѱ, ʸ, ± $120, $150, $45 ϰ ޵Ǿ.


׸ ٹ ̱ $533.41, ʸ $445.03, ±$405.61 1966 Ź Ÿ ȮϿ.

׷ ѱ δμ 100% ޹ ߴ.


ؿܱٹ ޹ ȮϿ. δ ̰ ϰ ִ. ̱ 1966 37 ѱ ̵ ܹ ü ʿϴ. ̰ 2 Ŀ ̱ ü ̹ ̴. Ű 345,994 뺴鿡 ִ. ѱ ҰǾ θ Ǿ. ̱ ûϴ ̴.


̱ å ִ. ѱ ̼ȣ ɰ 90% Ͽ ӵ, Ÿ Ⱓ Ͽ ѱ Ͽ ֶ ׸ Ͽ. ̻ ̱ ̲ٶ . ​̱ å ִ. ȸ ٸϴ


                    ​  Symington Hearing Evidence

                      Overseas Service Allowance​

<dd> </dd>

​Overseas service  pay was the same for combat  units and non-combat units
And the Allied Combat Allowance was differentiated between the non-combat units and the combat units
For example, $ 533 for the US, $ 445 for the Philippines, and $ 405 for Thailand. Korea did not pay 100% as a combat unit.

The Korean vets  have been confirmed to have been paid only in overseas service  allowances 50 years ago
South Korea is open to information that has been concluded in the Brown Memorandum of Understanding as it receives the same combat allowance as the US Army as a combat units.

Please send me this memorandum. The United States is responsible for the Brown Memorandum, not the loach operation. We  hope the President of the United States is not the President of the loach

We'll thinking your reply , believe, once more, in America.

The United States is the world 's leading country.
Trump is not only President of the United States but also President of the World.

* ؿܱٹ δ δ ݾ ޵Ǿ.

​* ձ δ δ ޵Ǿ. ̱ $533 , ʸ

   $445 , ± $405̸  ѱ δμ 100% ߴ. ​ ѱ Ʈ 50 ؿܱٹ縸  


Ȯѻ̴. ѱ  ̱ δ  ޴ ζ ذԵǾٴ

   ̴ . ֽñ ٶϴ. ̱ ̲ٶ ﰡϽð å ϴ. 츮

   ̱ ̲ٶ ƴϱ⸦ մϴ. ſ ٽѹ ̱ ϰϴ. ̱ Դϴ. ̱ɻӸƴ϶ Դϴ. ​



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no longer do loach operation  !!!

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Name -  Sung Woong

Name -  Kim


̸ ٶҸ
2017-03-28 00:58
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2017-03-28 06:25
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2017-03-28 12:19
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4900 Ǿ (̱ ̲ٶ ̻ ﰡ϶ )America no longer [4] 2017-03-28 1458
4899 ӳ    Re..20120418Ͽ0730оȺ [10]+3 2017-03-28 1513